I haven't had time to post pictures from my camera but Kira has done me a favor and downloaded some pics she took using her camera lol!
The above picture is Jackie and Tessa- Kira's friends riding on Tod's Go-cart.Matt and Sebby, Kira's other friends under a tree at the end of our street that even Olivia HAS to stand under when passing by~
Tessa and Jackie gettin ready to take off again......... Disaster will soon strick......
Shortly after the above picture, Tessa accedentally electricuded Jackie by touching a wire on the go cart to the stearing wheel Jackie was holding........She's a little looped after being shocked.picture below.....Kira thought it was hysterical..... nice Kira.... Kira gettin in the kitchen for glasses for her friends......
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
[image: mississippi roast]This Mississippi Pot Roast is one of my favorite
Sunday dinner ideas! Made in a crockpot, it’s the best pot roast you’ll
ever eat...
6 days ago
looks like a good time had by all!!!!
Poor Jackie! She does look a little electricuted! Your house looks so cute!
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